
Plano, seco e pontiagudo

Mônica Zarattini


Esse ensaio faz parte do livro que foi publicado em 2017, Plano, seco e pontiagudo, pela Editora Madalena. Ele é fruto de duas viagens feitas ao sertão de Canudos, onde ocorreu uma guerra em 1897 que dizimou 25 mil sertanejos. As viagens foram feitas em 1989 e depois em 2016, portanto muitas modificações se percebe nas imagens. A autora fez o mesmo trajeto que os militares fizeram na quarta expedição quando sufocaram a população.

Alto Alegre em 1989, hoje "Canudos Velho"
Canudos - maio de 1989
Parque Estadual de Canudos em 2016 , fotografia infravermelha.
BRA Velha Canudos/Sertão de Canudos/Bahia/Brazil 18/03/2016  TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS LATER.Portraits made in Bahia's coutryside, Brazil, where the Canudos War took place 120 years ago. After 27 years, I returned to the region and found some residents who were photographed in 1989 when I took the same path as the Brazilian army's fourth expedition which defeated the Canudos village in 1897. Gilmar, 33 years old, is thrilled to pose for 1989 photography when he was only 6 years old (boy on the right and in the foreground).
Back then, the Brazilian Republic was very recent and it took the militaries 4 battles to defeat the village where the people, leaded by Antonio Conselheiro and armed with sticks, knives and shotguns, won the first 3 battles. The people from the village were suffering with starvation and the drought. Slavery had been recently abolished in the country and groups of former slaves wandered through the roads. Without land and job opportunities, they strongly believed in Antonio Conselheiro’s preaching. Since the people demanded not to pay for taxes, the village became a threat to the republican government. Conselheiro was against civil marriage and as a devout man, he said he had been sent by God. To the Bahia’s government, land owners and the Church, these people were seen as rebels who should be eliminated. The fourth expedition was fundamental to defeat the village people. It was a bloody battle: 20,000 village people and 5,000 militaries died.The photographies from the two periods show how the village changed. The return after 27 years enabled meaningful interactions: five people from the first travel were found and could be photographed with their old pictures projected onto them, which was very thrilling for them. Many visual correlations could be seen in the region’s landscape, and that enabled the creation of new color pictures about men, war, myth and the land.
Back then, the Brazilian Republic was very recent and it took the militaries 4 bat
BRA Monte Santo/Sertão de Canudos/Bahia/Brazil 23/03/2016 TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS LATER.Portraits made in Bahia's coutryside, Brazil, where the Canudos War took place 120 years ago. After 27 years, I returned to the region and found some residents who were photographed in 1989 when I took the same path as the Brazilian army's fourth expedition which defeated the Canudos village in 1897.The washerwoman Eleni, 49 years old,  pose for a 1989 photograph when she was only 22 and was washing clothes in rainwater wells in rural Monte Santo.
Back then, the Brazilian Republic was very recent and it took the militaries 4 battles to defeat the village where the people, leaded by Antonio Conselheiro and armed with sticks, knives and shotguns, won the first 3 battles. The people from the village were suffering with starvation and the drought. Slavery had been recently abolished in the country and groups of former slaves wandered through the roads. Without land and job opportunities, they strongly believed in Antonio Conselheiro’s preaching. Since the people demanded not to pay for taxes, the village became a threat to the republican government. Conselheiro was against civil marriage and as a devout man, he said he had been sent by God. To the Bahia’s government, land owners and the Church, these people were seen as rebels who should be eliminated. The fourth expedition was fundamental to defeat the village people. It was a bloody battle: 20,000 village people and 5,000 militaries died.The photographies from the two periods show how the village changed. The return after 27 years enabled meaningful interactions: five people from the first travel were found and could be photographed with their old pictures projected onto them, which was very thrilling for them. Many visual correlations could be seen in the region’s landscape, and that enabled the creation of new color pictures about men, war, myth and the land.
Dona Matilde, trabalhadora rural do assentamento do MST de Uauá/BA , maio de 2016
Dailza fotografada em 2016 com sua fotografia em que estva com sua avó em 1989. Monte Santo/BA.
Padre Enoque em 2016 com foto de 1989 projetada sobre ele. Foto feita na sua casa em Euclide da Cunha.
Mônica Zarattini
São Paulo – SP
Editora de fotografia  Fotógrafa  Pesquisadora  Produtora cultural